If you have a sticky dashboard in your car, your manufacturer should repair it. Moreover, it pays attention to how it appears so not only to prevent it but also to increase the dashboard’s life. You should also find that if your vehicle comes with the coverage of any repair program of the insurance company, and if it does not, you should resolve the problem by yourself without damaging your dashboard and going to some expensive repairs. In this guide, I will teach you how to remove sticky residue from a car dashboard.
How to Remove Sticky Residue from a Car Dashboard

The first and most valuable option for cleaning the sticky dashboard is to hire the services of the insurance company to repair it, but if you want to have the quick fix follow the process in step by step given below:
Gather the materials
To clean your car’s dashboard, you will need wipes of cloth, lukewarm water, a soft bristle brush: vinyl upholstery cleaner, and a scraper made of plastic.
Step 1: Remove all the things from the dashboard
To prepare for the cleaning process, remove all the things and accessories from the dashboard.
Step 2: Open the windows of the car
Open up the car’s windows so that when you start the cleaning dashboard, it should get the fresh air in the car and ventilation well.
Step 3: wipe the surface of the dashboard.
While it may be a complex process, the piece of cloth can leave the fibers of cloth on the surface of the dashboard. It is necessary to get rid of the significant portions of dirt and debris that may break on the sticky surface of the car dashboard.
Step 4: Make the solution of soap and warm water.
Now make the liquid solution by mixing warm water and soap. Stir the solution until it becomes soapy, as the solution should not be of exact ratio. If you find less foam in the water, you can add more soap to it according to your need.
Step 5: Wipe the dashboard with a wet cloth
Dip the pieces of cloth in the soapy water and wipe the surface of the dashboard with it. Do it many times until the surface of the dashboard is no longer sticky. Make sure that you use separate pieces of cloth every time to ensure that the dirt and debris do not transfer from the dirty cloth and come back on the dashboard. Wring the cloth many times to remove the excess water from it to not damage the car’s electronic systems.
Step 6: Use a scraper
If you have an excess amount of dirt and debris on the top of the car dashboard, you may need a plastic scraper or anything in flat shape to scrap the material without ruining the dashboard. If the issue remains even after scraping out the dashboard several times, you have to check the car with a professional detailer because homemade solutions often do not work.
Step 7: Allow the dashboard to dry
Your car’s dashboard should dry in the natural air, or you can use the paper towel to dry it by lightly patting down the wet spots of solution.
Step 8: Apply vinyl upholstery solution
By following the instructions given on the chemical, use a vinyl upholstery cleaner on the top surface of the dashboard to clean it and offer it the required finish.
Step 9: Wipe the water-based vinyl protectant
Now apply the water-based vinyl protectant on the surface of the dashboard with the help of a soft cloth or rag to blow out the solution of the cleaner. Do not use and rely on the silicon sealant because the stickiness on the dashboard becomes worse with it.
If all these tips fail to clean the dashboard, replacing the dashboard with the new one will be a great option. In most cases, you may also buy a band-aid solution by mounting the dashboard cover.
Step 10: Apply the interior detain spray.
Spray the even layer of detailing product on the plastic panels and dashboards. Use it in the light and circular motions to remove the strains with the scrubbing pad or microfiber towel to break down the debris on the dashboard.
Step 11: Spray the conditioner on the dashboard
Now take a breath to admire your handwork as you will notice that the spotless dashboard will entirely change your dashboard’s look. The interior protectants come with conditioning agents and elements and ultraviolet inhibitors that are the best option to keep your dashboard from drying, thus protecting your car interior, especially the dashboard.
Therefore, use the quick and easy inside and outside protectant and conditioner for your dashboard to keep it neat, clean, and shiny.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does my dashboard feel sticky?
The reason behind the stickiness of your dashboard lies in the high temperatures and the exposure to sunlight, which is the leading cause of the stickiness of your car dashboard. The surface of the dashboard can be sticky due to the release of the toxic chemical odor, a yellowish gluish compound that is gummy in texture.
How can I clean my car dashboard?
Vacuum the whole dashboard with the soft brush attachment. Mix the simple green solution and apply it to the piece of cloth. Use the small brush to clean the dashboard knobs. Rub the dashboard surface, close areas, rinse and wash with clean water.
How do you eliminate sticky residue from car plastic?
Saturate the pieces of wipes or cloth with lukewarm and soapy water, white vinegar, or any cleaning compound. Place the duster on the region and allow for the solution to drench the adhesive. Wipe away all the solution, the sticker, label glue with the cloth.
By following the steps specified above, you can quickly get rid of sticky residue from the dashboard. If your car comes under the insurance company’s repair and maintenance coverage, it will be the company’s responsibility to keep your car clean.
Alternatively, you can use these home remedies and DIY methods to eliminate the sticky residue from the dashboard. If you use the protectants and conditioners, it can enhance the life of the dashboard and its natural glow and shine.

I am an Automotive specialist. I graduated from Michigan with Bachelor in Automotive Engineering and Management. Also, I hold degrees in Electrical and Automation Engineering (BEng), Automatic and Industrial Electronic Engineering, and Automotive Technology. I have worked at General Motors Company for over five years as the Marketing Operations Production Coordinator. Now, I own my garage in Miami, Florida. I love cars and love to share everything about them with my readers. I am the founder of the Automotiveex blog, where I share everything about automotive, like car news, car mechanical issues, and anything else that comes up in my blog posts.